Oh Goodwill, how I love thee...
Sometimes I go in there and I rack up, other times I go in there and I see
lots of junk!
That day was a winner winner day, I got lots of goodies. This was one of them. When I saw this, it had a twin, but the twin was broken and this one was just fine, so I picked it up, and it said IKEA on the bottom of it, so know telling how much it was regular price and they were asking $2 for it! I can handle that!
It was originally white and rusted like no other. Whoever had it beforehand must have had it outside because there was more rust than white on it. It was dirty, the glass needed a good washin and there was dead bug at the bottom of it.
Gross. But that's when my little noggin got to turning and thinking, "eh, nothing a little spray paint can't fix!" And in the buggy it went. Then I had to hold it in fear Sadie would throw it out of the buggy and break it. It's happened before...But that's another
nightmare story for another time.
I did actually take pics of this before I painted it, but I let Hubs take my camera this morning and those pictures were on that one. Riley is getting "married" to a quarterback this morning and I can't go due to her evil sisters that are home with me and for some reason call me Momma. *sigh. I'm missing my own daughters wedding. She looked so cute too. Hubs always gets to do the fun things while I'm stuck with these heathens. (I'm being a little harsh today, they spilled my coffee first thing this morning (BIG No-No!), yanked down some curtains, and Sadie stuffed Pop-Tarts down her pj's and when I went to change her crumbs went everywhere). We are going thru this stage with Sadie that she feels like she needs to stuff everything down her footed sleepers, I have caught her in the act! She's no longer my little Cuddlebug, she's getting into those Terrible 2's now and is a brat! My poor baby...Poor
me actually.
So anyways, off the subject, again.
Here is my cute little lantern I did over, I picked up some Rustoleum American Accents spray paint from Hobby Lobby the other night. The color is Lagoon. LOVE this color! I brought in the lantern and scrubbed it until it was all clean again, let it dry and took it outside and gave it about 3 coats all together and this is how it turned out-
Perfect for nights out on the deck! I love my little lantern!
I finally remembered I had a giveaway and went thru random.org this a.m. and the winner was Heather over at
Hezzi-D's Books and Cooks. Congrats Heather!!! You won $35 to use at CSN stores! Hope you find lots of goodies!!!!
And now for the wrath of my baby girl Sadie Rayne...*tear. These are pics I have caught in the act...so sad...
Yep, caught ya in the Nutella, gettin after it!
Oh child, how can I really get mad at you when you look like this and wearing my headband?
Caught you in the act again stuffing water bottles down your p.j.'s.
Oh that's brilliant....
I'm linking this up with

Hope everyone has a great weekend!